Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I find the Shopee Order ID?
- Why do I have to fix my product before adding it to Shopee?
- Will fulfillment and keying the tracking details for the Shopee orders be done on Shopify or Shopee's platform itself?
- Do I need a Shopee Store to use this app?
- I noticed that your app has created orders on Shopify with products that have not been published to Shopee. How is this going to affect my stock?
- How do I sync prices to Shopee?
- What will happen if I apply a discount at my Shopee shop? If there is an order, what price will I see on the Shopify order?
- Will orders placed on Shopee appear within Shopify's admin?
- How do I connect my Shopee Shop to the app?
- When Shopee makes a sale, an order is created at Shopify. Shopee's sale has all the transaction fee, service charges etc. Will these be reflected in the order created at Shopify? So will the order that is created at Shopify reflect the income details?
- When a sale happens on Shopee when does the stock get updated on Shopify? Does it happen when there is new order? Or when the payment is accepted? Or does it happen after it is fulfilled?
- How do I change the default logistics?
- If an item is ordered but unfulfilled, will it decrement the inventory count?
- What can I publish to the Shopee Seller Center?
- If I cancel my order in Shopify, does that cancel on Shopee?
- If I cancel my order in Shopee, does that cancel on Shopify?
- Will the product's stock be synchronized after it is published?