What should I do if I have existing Shopify and Shopee products?

The way the app works is that the app links the Shopify product and Shopee products by their IDs. That way it knows how to create orders and how to sync stock correctly. There are 2 easy ways of linking:

  1. if you are OK with creating new Shopee products, then it's easy to use the app to add Shopify products to new Shopee products. The products will be automatically linked that way.
  2. If you are OK with creating new Shopify products, then it is also easy to import all your Shopee products into Shopify as new Shopify products by using: Shopify Admin > Apps > Easy Shopee & Lazada > Shopee Preferences > Existing Shopee Products > Import all Shopee products . The products will be automatically linked that way.
  3. You can also manually link the products yourself by following these instructions: Manually linking existing Shopee products to existing Shopify products, Manually linking existing Lazada products to existing Shopify products
  4. If you have a lot of products, we can also help you link products: Bulk link products from Shopee and Lazada to Shopify

Once you have manually linked your products, the products will start syncing right away! So please make sure you have set up the syncing preferences correctly before you start by going to:

Shopify Admin > Apps > Easy Shopee & Lazada > Shopee Preferences > Shopify Products -> Shopee Products.

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