Syncing Shopify Variants to Shopee
To enable syncing of Shopify variants on Shopee go to
Shopify Admin > Apps > Easy Shopee & Lazada > Shopee Preferences > Shopify Product → Shopee Product
select the Variants checkbox and click on Update.
Once Variants sync is enabled adding, removing or updating Shopify variants will automatically update Shopee variants.
Shopee has strict rules for products and variants and syncing will not work when these rules are broken:
- Do not update Shopify Variants while the Shopee products and variants are under promotion! Shopee does not allow changes to variants during a promotion so the Shopee product might be broken when the app tries to change them. For more information about syncing limitations during Shopee promotions please read: Syncing Limitations when Shopee Product is under promotion.
- Variant price differences must be less than 7x for Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. The price difference must be less than 5x for the Philippines, Thailand and Taiwan. Only variants that are within the price difference will be synced to Shopee.
- Quantity of combinations of all 2 tier options is up to 50. E.g. when there are 2 options, Size and Style, the number of Sizes x the number of Styles must be less than 50.
- Option length must be less than 20. E.g. there must not be more than 20 sizes or 20 styles.
- Prices need to be more than Rp99 in Indonesia, more than ₱5 in the Philippines and more than ₫1000 in Vietnam. Only the variants above those prices will be synced to Shopee.