Price Adjustments

This is available for Shopee

You can enable price adjustments by going to Shopify Admin > Apps > Easy Shopee & Lazada > Shopee Preferences

Adjust price by amount

Once the price adjustment is set (see screenshot) all synced products will use the price adjustment. For example,

  1. If the Shopify product has price $100 and
  2. price syncing is enabled and
  3. the price adjustment is $7
  4. the Shopee price will be $107

Another example if you have compare at price enabled,

  1. If the Shopify product has price $100 and
  2. price syncing is enabled and
  3. the Shopify compare at price is $200
  4. and compare at price is enabled and
  5. the price adjustment is $7
  6. the Shopee price will be $207

Adjust price by percentage

Once the price adjustment is set (see screenshot) all synced products will use the price adjustment. For example,

  1. If the Shopify product has price $100 and
  2. price syncing is enabled and
  3. the price adjustment is 10%
  4. the Shopee price will be $110

Another example if you have compare at price enabled,

  1. If the Shopify product has price $100 and
  2. price syncing is enabled and
  3. the Shopify compare at price is $200
  4. and compare at price is enabled and
  5. the price adjustment is 10%
  6. the Shopee price will be $220

Frequently Asked Questions

After we've done the forced update (say for example by $5 for all SKUs), so say product A on Shopify is $100 and Shopee is $105, does it mean that if the price on Shopify is subsequently changed to $108, the Shopee price will automatically be adjusted to $113 without us having to do another round of forced update?

Yes this is exactly how it will work.

Will it work for negative integers as well (e.g. inputting "-7" will adjust the product price downwards by $7)?

The app currently does not support negative numbers. We figured sellers would never want to sell for less money on Shopee so we decided not to do it. Let us know if you would like the app to support negative numbers.

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