How do I fix "Product size chart is required" errors from Lazada?

This error happens when there are no size charts on your Lazada Seller Account.

To fix this error, please follow the instructions here to create size charts

If the instructions on the link do not work for you, this is a workaround,

  1. On your Lazada dashboard, go to "Manage Products"
  2. Click on "New Product" on the top right of the screen
  3. Key in a category in the women's clothing (I used blouse in the video)
  4. Look for the size chart section and create a new size chart
  5. Fill in all the input details in the sizes box (it can be any number since we just want to get the product in and update it later individually)
  6. Check on the "Save as Template" and give it a name
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Going back to the app now, cancel the sync and reattempt the sync, see if it gets synced this time.
  9. On the newly created product, click to edit the product and go back to the size chart and update it accordingly to the product. They accept an image format as well of the chart.
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