How do I extend my connection to Lazada (3)?

  1. Log into Lazada Seller Center and click on "Service Marketplace"

  1. When you get to the service marketplace click on Order Management > All Orders

  1. When you get to the orders page make sure there are more than 1 orders for "Easy Lazada". For example, there are 3 orders on this screenshot so this is OK.

  1. click on "Order Details" for the earliest order. I.e. the order on the bottom

  1. On the order details page, take note of the "End Time". E.g. the end time here is 2024-07-23

  1. Reconnect right after the end time. I.e. 2024-07-23 12pm. If you wait too long after the end time you might have issues with syncing and orders import.
  2. Right after the end time, click on "My Service", click on "Use service" in the Easy Lazada box

  1. on the next page make sure the checkbox is checked and click on "Agree"

  1. After that you should return to the app to see this page

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