Disabling "Inventory from just one Location"

We strongly recommend that you keep this feature enabled! Because it might cause stock issues if the feature is disabled.

Why you should not disable "Inventory from just one Location"

The problem is that Shopify only allows the app to take out stock from 1 location. Here is a scenario where that would be an issue.

Let's say you have 2 locations: Location A and Location B and the app is setup to take out stock from Location A.

At 1pm:

  • Location A has 1 stock
  • Location B has 10 stock

with Inventory from just one Location disabled, the app will show 11 stock ✅ on Shopee

At 2pm:
Product is sold on Shopee so,

  • Location A has 0 stock (1 stock taken out)
  • Location B has 10 stock

the app will show 10 stock ✅ on Shopee

At 3pm:
Another product is sold on Shopee so,

  • Location A has 0 stock (the app tries to take 1 stock out but cannot! Because stock is already 0)
  • Location B has 10 stock

the app will show 10 stock ❌ on Shopee (this is wrong! Stock should be 9)

This is why we highly recommend syncing the stock to just 1 location.

If you still want to disable "Inventory from just one Location"

We highly recommend that you enable "Continue selling when out of stock" on every variant on Shopify. Note that this is a Shopify feature so you have to go to Shopify Admin > Products to enable it for all variants (see screenshot)

This feature will let your stock counts go to negative. With "Inventory from just one Location" disabled and "Continue selling when out of stock" enabled the stock count will be correct. Based on the stock example from above

With "Inventory from just one Location" disabled and "Continue selling when out of stock" disabled

At 3pm:
Another product is sold on Shopee so,

  • Location A has 0 stock (the app tries to take 1 stock out but cannot! Because stock is already 0)
  • Location B has 10 stock

the app will show 10 stock ❌ on Shopee (this is wrong! Stock should be 9)

With "Inventory from just one Location" disabled and "Continue selling when out of stock" enabled

At 3pm:
Another product is sold on Shopee so,

  • Location A has -1 stock (1 stock taken out)
  • Location B has 10 stock

the app will show 9 stock ✅ on Shopee.

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